1. Simple Present Tense
Untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan dan kejadian yang terjadi pada saat sekarang ini.
(+) S + V1 (+es/s) e.g: Sun Rises from east (matahari terbit dari timur).
(-) S + Do/Does + not +V1 e.g: I don’t know where to go.
(?) Do/Does + not + S + V1? e.g: Do you speak English (apakah kamu berbahasa Inggris?)
– Untuk menunjukkan kebenaran mutlak. seperti contoh nomor 1.
– Untuk menunjukkan pekerjaan rutin. e.g: I go to school everyday
Daily Activity – Simple Present
My name is Ulfah Amelia. Some people call me “Ulfah”. Now, I’m 21 years old and I live in Depok. I live with my parents and my sisters. I’m student in Universitas Gunadarma.
I have habitual action that I do every day. This is my daily activities.
Every morning I get up at 5 o’clock, and I go to bathroom to take a bath, I brush my teeth and I clean my body with the soap. Then I take wudhu. After I finish my bathe, I wear clothes and pray shubuh. After that I clean my bedroom, and sweep the floor and the yard. And I have breakfast with my family. After all neat, I drove my mother and my brother to school by motorcycle. Then I back to home. I wash the dishes. After I finished cleaning the house, I watch TV to relax while waiting for 9 hours. I put the make-up on then I go to campus. Because I am student in semester now, I’m free from my college schedule except Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. My school begins at half past seven am to eleven p.m. every Monday.
I usually arrive in my campus at 10.00 am. I go straight to library. In library, I open the computer to see some Skripsi on the computer, I feel happy in library because in there I can study and discuss with my friends about our Paper or Skripsi. I usually go home from campus at 05.00 pm after the library closed. After I arrive in home, I clean my foot, then I watch talkshow TV. After I hear adzan maghrib, I go straight maghrib praying then I holly quran before study. Then I pray isya. After isya praying, I take dinner, watching TV or relax with my family until 08.00 pm. Then I do my home work and study. After that I go to sleep and so on.
All in all, my daily activity is very happily and I always feel good about my live.
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